Sunday, February 27, 2005
hello everyone...
yup jts was great on saturday...
had it at marche but pity some of us cldn't turn up...
so yeah... thought the dinner was excellent haha...
especially the mango waffle with chocolate ice cream... that was the best dish i had there =D
had a Zhong Ji Mi Ma session after that... whipped up an expensive seafood soup made up of lobster bishe, seafood pizza and root beer and dunno wat else...
to avoid creating a sense of disgust in readers... i've refrained from showing the
pic on this blog, pls look for the pic in the link below if u wish...
we 'll not be liable for any personal discomforts, illness or injuries, be it menta or physical, that should arise from the pic... u've been warned -> proceed at ur own risk...
after that we had a erm... chitchat session nearby with lots of nice drinks... haha...
that was alot of erm... sensitive jokes going on yeah... u get the picture?
apparently our senior class wasn't as innocent as we thought... oops!
ignore that line pls =P

see the pics at¬ag=1
Thursday, February 24, 2005
hey. sorry for the extremely late update. but got back the profits frm cny stall earlier this week. and since not everyone wants money back [if you're still hankering for yr money, look jeffrey up. the money's with him.] a grand total of $68++ was placed into class fund. yes.
in light of the upcoming release of o lvl results. just wanna wish everyone happiness and meaning in everything you do. for those who've found happiness, im glad for ya. for those who've yet to find theirs, don't give up, go with the flow and i hope you'll find yours soon. fate always has an uncanny way of making things turn out right eventually. =] its been great knowing y'all. cheers.
Sunday, February 20, 2005
oh well.tis much as i dun wanna tink abt it.some things u just can't escape from.just wanna say tt the 1st 3 months made mi see certain stuffs.frenship and all.hoping all of us wun con't our journey down here.all the best ppl.may all ur dreams come true~
.: Hide :.
Wednesday, February 16, 2005
the photos everyone has been waiting for(:
Hi everyone...
shld 've noticed that the blogskin has been changed!!!
okay hope ur r okay with the new design i think its quite cool haha... be glad to entertain any suggetsions to improve our blog...
afterall its the class' blog and everyone hs a say in it rite? haha
okay anyway...
Students' Needs Survey
Course Title : SD 2005(JC1 Students' Needs Survey)
Click on "survey to begin"
If you encounter any problems logging-in to IVLE pls look for Mr Hwang Cheng Leong in the computer lab (B219)
okay thats all...
cya ard =)
Tuesday, February 15, 2005
Hi everyone!
Please join the Yahoo Group "hippestgp".
Can also be accessed by clicking on !
Courtesy of your GP rep =)
Thursday, February 10, 2005
tis is damn late lar but...
anywayz, anybody interested can go read my laggy blog. Finally updated. Enjoy!
hey ppl! as you guys would have noticed, i've been taking lots of pics this week! haha..check them out(:
happy cny!
this is an important notice ! This saturday or friday we might go watch CONSTANTINE...... All interested parties should contact DARYL.... Time is not confirmed but I suggest morning/early afternoon.... ANYWAY, HAPPY CNY YOU ALL !!!!!! GD LUCK FOR GAMBLING ! YAYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!! :) :) :) :) :) :) :)
Wednesday, February 09, 2005
Hi everyone!
Enjoy the long break!
Tuesday, February 08, 2005
juz wannna say:
Sunday, February 06, 2005
Full Name: Hong Zhen
What do you want in a relationship most: understanding, trust and love
Fave Movie: notting hill think i watched like 4 times
Fave food: mum's fried rice
Fav Number: 6
Fav Colour: definitely green
No. of children: 3 and i hope the eldest is a guy cos i always wanted an elder brother
Do you want to get married: yes
Do you have b/f or g/f: no
Do you have a crush: had
Guys/Girls: girls most of the time. guys when i get irritated by girls.
Day/Night: night. more peaceful.
What's a major turn on for you: sweet (real sweet not fake sweet) ppl.
How far would you go on ur first date:
Which people do you trust and are open wif the most: my jnr and some other friends
What do you tink of soulmates: i hope my husband will be one
Is it right to flirt if you have a bf/gf: no.
What was the last thing u got teary about: worrying that i won't like my chiangmai trip
What is something about girls/guys u dun get: why guys can talk abt sensitive issues to each other
Sunset/Sunrise: sunset cos it makes ppl sad and i think i have a thing about making myself sad Honeymoon location: can't think of anywhere, likely countryside
Favourite Sport: erm. i guess i'm expected to say softball but it's hockey. cos i haven't figured out how to play
What makes you mad: insensitivity, backstabbing, ppl being unreasonable
What makes you happy: right now, talking or seeing my jnr, and knowing that i am there for my sis and my friends
What song reflects you the most: erm i don't think any song really did that.
If you die tmr, who would u give ur stuff to: my family and two other friends. but i don't have much to give anyway
Do you have any enemies: enemy is a very psch idea. now i know how to buffer myself from ppl i don't see eye to eye to, so don't need to resort to becoming enemies
What is your greatest fear: losing my loved ones
Would you rather be rich or famous: i would rather be happy but since it's not here, rich What do you enjoy the most: talking to ppl i like talking to
What interests you: human behaviour and psychology. it's really fun to see how ppl react and act I
f you could go back and relieve one time: my chiangmai trip in 2003
If you could turn back time, wad i change: my behaviour in psch and my relationship with my sis when she was in sec sch n jc
Physical or sentimental stuff: sentimental
go buy blog for an acct of wat happened on saturday/sunday ! But not too well-written, i think.
Full Name: Rachel
What do you want in a relationship most: common values, vision in life and efficient communication
Fave Movie: the notebook (made me cry the most even though its the most cliche)
Fave food: pasta
Fav Number: 11
Fav Colour: pink (not green)
No. of children: 0/1/4 depends on how rich is my husband lol
Do you want to get married: used to. not sure anymore
Do you have b/f or g/f: No
Do you have a crush: No
Guys/Girls: girls. guys are jerks (sorry but yes most of the time they are)
Day/Night: Day.
What's a major turn on for you: guys with nice eyes(: hahhaha
How far would you go on ur first date: what. 100m? hahha
Which people do you trust and are open wif the most: church friends. God.
What do you tink of soulmates: possible
Is it right to flirt if you have a bf/gf: no.
What was the last thing u got teary about: chinese dance.
What is something about girls/guys u dun get: guys and LAN/weird computer games/anime
Sunset/Sunrise: sunrise
Honeymoon location: venice(:
Favourite Sport: shopping
What makes you mad: when guys let down my girlfriends
What makes you happy: being with people i dont have to put up a front with
What song reflects you the most: ashleesimpson's autobiography? right now i guess.
If you die tmr, who would u give ur stuff to: uh. my family? and some friends
Do you have any enemies: maybe ppl who dont like me. not exactly enemies
What is your greatest fear: cockroaches. lol
Would you rather be rich or famous: neither. i'll rather be happy.
What do you enjoy the most: talking and talking with people i like
What interests you: used to be dance. not sure anymore
If you could go back and relieve one time: the period after O's
If you could turn back time, wad i change: taking back some things i said on impulse which changed my life.
Physical or sentimental stuff: Sentimental
Full Name: lu yifang!
What do you want in a relationship most: love, understanding, support, honesty
Fave Movie: shakespeare in love
Fave food: anything tt is nice. i dont eat much anyway
Fav Number: 11 or 7
Fav Colour: pink
No. of children: 3
Do you want to get married: yepps
Do you have b/f or g/f: no
Do you have a crush: yar
Guys/Girls: my girlfriends when i have anything bugging me. guys to offer opinions
Day/Night: Night
What's a major turn on for you: eyes! shoulders
How far would you go on ur first date: nowhere? haha
Which people do you trust and are open wif the most: My girlfriends
What do you tink of soulmates: they are the most precious treasures on earth
Is it right to flirt if you have a bf/gf: no. u dont know who you would hurt
What was the last thing u got teary about: missing foureleven too much
What is something about girls/guys u dun get: howcome guys can eat so much
Sunset/Sunrise: Sunset
Honeymoon location: italy/spain/paris/greece. he can choose. haha
Favourite Sport: swimming. and i like to wtch diving [tianliang!]
What makes you mad: backstabbers, hypocrites
What makes you happy: simple things in life.
What song reflects you the most:cant find one yet?
If you die tmr, who would u give ur stuff to: my mum, dad and brother. i dont think i have tt much anyway
Do you have any enemies: people who dont like me? yar
What is your greatest fear: loneliness
What do you enjoy the most: spending time w my girlfriends/ people who know me well
What interests you: all kinds of interesting stuff
If you could go back and relieve one moment in time: foureleven!
If you could turn back time, wad i change: the way i treated some people
Physical or sentimental stuff: Sentimental!
haha. i dont usually complete this kinda stuff. =) hope u guys enjoyed yourself in kevin's place! good morning 72-ers! =)
Full Name: wong kok hao daryl
What do you want in a relationship most: i'll accept fer fer who she understanding n respect bah.
Fave Movie: pirates of carribean,some odas.
Fave food: Meat
Fav Number: 33
Fav Colour: blue
No. of children: 3
Do you want to get married: Yah
Do you have b/f or g/f: no
Do you have a crush: mebbe bah..
Guys/Girls: gals i guess.they're good listeners.
Day/Night: Night
What's a major turn on for you: sweet looking a good 1st impression la.the rest slowly la
How far would you go on ur first date: nort too much bah.slowly beta la
Which people do you trust and are open wif the most: My very very close friends
What do you tink of soulmates: pleasant
Is it right to flirt if you have a bf/gf: dun overdo nort to la
What was the last thing u got teary about: coping with studies in hc
What is something about girls/guys u dun get: How girls can talk so much continuously
Sunset/Sunrise: Sunset
Honeymoon location: Japan.
Favourite Sport: basketball
What makes you mad: backstabbers
What makes you happy: staying precious moments with close family n frens bah
What song reflects you the most:creep by radiohead i guesss
If you die tmr, who would u give ur stuff to: my crush 1stly,to my bros n dearest frens
Do you have any enemies: u bet
What is your greatest fear: i m pretty scared of lotsa stuffs la.feeling blue
What do you enjoy the most: a love of a lifetime
What interests you: good music,guitar,and1,hideto matsumoto etc.
If you could go back and relieve one moment in time: the rimes when she was there n when things were so simple n sweet
If you could turn back time, wad i change: hmmmm...the things tt i've said to hurt certain ppl....
Physical or sentimental stuff: Sentimental
Full Name: Kevin Chua Wen-Long
What do you want in a relationship most: Love
Fave Movie: LOTR
Fave food: Sashimi
Fav Number: 7
Fav Colour: Blue
No. of children: 3
Do you want to get married: Yah
Do you have b/f or g/f: No
Do you have a crush: No
Guys/Girls: Both as good friends
Day/Night: Night
What's a major turn on for you: Gavin's hot bod!!!!
How far would you go on ur first date: Not far
Which people do you trust and are open wif the most: My very very close friends
What do you tink of soulmates: Nice
Is it right to flirt if you have a bf/gf: A little
What was the last thing u got teary about: O level chinese
What is something about girls/guys u dun get: How girls can talk so much continuously
Sunset/Sunrise: Sunset
Honeymoon location: Somewhere scenic
Favourite Sport: Wushu
What makes you mad: Bastards
What makes you happy: Talking with people I like
What song reflects you the most:
If you die tmr, who would u give ur stuff to: Family and close friends
Do you have any enemies: I guess so
What is your greatest fear: No friends
Would you rather be rich or famous: Rich
What do you enjoy the most: Slacking
What interests you: Wushu and Manson
If you could go back and relieve one time: None
If you could turn back time, wad i change: Nothing
Physical or sentimental stuff: Sentimental
slacking at kevin's house now wif fellow pai kias.. haha.. air con's quite cold, n i just took a sip of _____. hmm yah.... so here's it.
Full Name: tham kit yeng
What do you want in a relationship most: communication
Fave Movie: shurayuki hime
Fave food: prawn mee
Fav Number: 2
Fav Colour: blue
No. of children: 2
Do you want to get married: eh yah
Do you have b/f or g/f: no
Do you have a crush: hmmm
Guys/Girls: both r ok n can b gd frens
Day/Night: day, bcoz nights r kinda boring
What's a major turn on for you: jay chou n zheng yuanchang
How far would you go on ur first date: erm...we'll just tok a LOT
Which people do you trust and are open wif the most: honestly, i dunno how to trust pple. at least i nvr realli cared if i trusted tt person. this qn of trust doesn't strike me. im open wif most pple
What do you tink of soulmates:they r rare. one may nvr find them,or may nvr realize that they do haf one.
Is it right to flirt if you have a bf/gf: no
What was the last thing u got teary about: sum tv show
What is something about girls/guys u dun get: y girls r generally linked to pink. i dunno wat i dunno abt guys
Sunset/Sunrise: sunset. it's kinda qi1 mei3
Honeymoon location: as long as there's a beach
Favourite Sport: swimming
What makes you mad: when pple haf realli one track mind n r totally bull
What makes you happy: as long as it doesn't make me sad. small things like hearing my fave song, or a funny joke
What song reflects you the most: hei1 se4 you1 mo4
If you die tmr, who would u give ur stuff to: family n close frens
Do you have any enemies: hopefully not
What is your greatest fear: loneliness
Would you rather be rich or famous: rich
What do you enjoy the most: yakking wif frens, stoning
What interests you: jay chou, zheng yuanchang, anime, jokes (u noe wat kind.....)
If you could go back and relieve one time: pri 4 to pri 6. tho it's not the sch life tt i realli want to relive
If you could turn back time, wad i change: i won't change aniting
Physical or sentimental stuff: both.
Just came back from new yr shopping, and it's now 12 am, finally I have some time to blog here although MinJie has been bugging me to write yesterday...Ok, here goes...
Full Name: Jasmine Chua Zhi Yu(okok, that's my English name)
What do you want in a relationship most: Trust
Fave Movie: Harry Potter, Spider Man, LOTR, anything fantasy
Song: I SLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Fave food:I'm not picky
Fav Number: 5
Fav Colour: Blue
No. of children: Dun noe
Do you want to get married:It all depends on fate
Do you have b/f or g/f: I will skip this qn, this is getting lame
Do you have a crush: Skip to the loo...=P
Guys/Girls: It depends
Day/Night: Night, I like to sleep...=P
What's a major turn on for you: Sly =P
How far would you go on ur first date: Dun noe
Which people do you trust and are open wif the most: U can't really explain the mechanism of friendship, it just depends on fate...
What do you tink of soulmates:They are always dere for u
Is it right to flirt if you have a bf/gf: No
What was the last thing u got teary about: Since I wore my contacts...LOL
What is something about girls/guys u dun get: Why guys like to push up their hair even if they have long foreheads...
Sunset/Sunrise:'s abt time to sleep...
Honeymoon location: Anything, as long as my hubby is by my side...LOL
Favourite Sport: Swimming
What makes you mad: Pple with attitude problem
What makes you happy: Listening to music
What song reflects you the most: "I dream" or "It's my life"
If you die tmr, who would u give ur stuff to: My family
Do you have any enemies: Dun noe, so far, no one has been talking bad of me...
What is your greatest fear: Loneliness
Would you rather be rich or famous: I choose to be happy...=)
What do you enjoy the most: Listening to music
What interests you: Music, Movies, Chatting, Chasing idols and SLEEPING!!!
If you could go back and relieve one time: We should look forward...
If you could turn back time, wad i change: I'm happy with the way I am
Physical or sentimental stuff: Sentimental stuff...
Saturday, February 05, 2005
Doing this early in the morning so pardon mi if i made any mistakes *gasps* Nah. Anywayz, lets get on wif it.
Full Name: Chan Yong Quan Gavin
What do you want in a relationship most: Like most ppl before mi have said, love and 'chemistry' (not the subject or OAG/SOV/GFG)
Fave Movie: Too many to tink off, but any of the harry potter, spiderman or LOTR movies sure can figure in
Fave Song: Currently 'Mockingbird' by Eminem.
Fave food: Chocolates (I get a high eating them sometimes)
Fav Number: 7
Fav Colour: White
No. of children: Too early to decide but i guess at least one lol
Do you want to get married: NO, CUZ I WANT TO JOIN JEFFREY AND B A SHAOLIN MONK!, nah i m juz kidding. Yes of cuz (wif right person too - duh!)
Do you have b/f or g/f: No
Do you have a crush: Sum ppl waiting 4 tis, but sad to dissappoint, no (tis so lame, of cuz everyone will put no)(Reality check: Shiqi put yes) Okae, so i wrong, then i should change to mayb
Guys/Girls: It feels awkward talking 2 girls sometimes, so i would have to say talking 2 guys is much easier and straightforward
Day/Night: Day, no reason for this choice
What's a major turn on for you: Anything fun, or... chocolates :P
How far would you go on ur first date: Haven had one, so i dunno
Which people do you trust and are open wif the most: Well, people i have known for some time and i believe would help mi keep stuff to themselves. Asking the rv bunch about who was the biggest mistake of my life. Enuf said.
What do you tink of soulmates: People who have that electrifying 'chemistry' wif you as i sad before. As if they both of you are one mind. Thats truly soulmates man
Is it right to flirt if you have a bf/gf: I am a devoted person so no, but now cuz i m currently single so...yes?(kidding ----> again)
What was the last thing u got teary about: I haven cried in some time, can't really remember.
What is something about girls/guys u dun get: Why girls take so much time to comb their hair and tuck out their blouse.
Sunset/Sunrise: Sunrise, cuz i can begin maple :P Spoken like a true maple addict i noe
Honeymoon location: Hawaii?!?
Favourite Sport: badminton/swimming (can't decide)
What makes you mad: People wif that "censored-up" attitude
What makes you happy: Listening to music, can't live wifout it
What song reflects you the most: "I just wanna live" By Good Charlotte
if you die tmr, who would u give ur stuff to: My family, duh, i mean they already have most of it
Do you have any enemies: Definitely. Not someone who makes my likes clear, but dislikes are easy to show.
What is your greatest fear: Death
Would you rather be rich or famous: Famous, cuz if your famous, u can use ur fame to become rich. So best of both worlds in that sense.
What do you enjoy the most: You all noe it, yea its maple, for the moment anyway
What interests you: Music, Soccer, Comp games and i guess chatting wif ppl
If you could go back and relieve one time: Every moment is precious, enuf said.
If you could turn back time, wad i change: My scrawny physique
Physical or sentimental stuff: Definitely sentimental. Cuz i m a very sentimental person. lol.
So ladies and gentlemen, there you have it.
Hope you enjoy reading this, now back to maple...
This is for those who need some last minuite directions to my place for the BBQ!
Buses you can take: 7, 75, 77, 61, 156, 165, 970
If taking buses...
7, 156, 165, 75, 61: alight at the jelita cold storage bus-stop. for those taking from clementi interchange side, alight opp jelita, press the bell when you can see henry park primary school on your right.
77, 970: alight at the last stop along sixth avenue (if taking from bukit timah road), or else, alight at the first bus stop along sixth avenue (duh?).
Jelita can best be described as a semi-large 2 storey white building with a large 'Cold Storage' on it. Its after a traffic light if taking from town tt side.
I think everyone's meeting at 1pm at Jelita. If you're alighting at the sixth avenue bus stop, either call me, or we'll walk by that side on our way to my place so i guess you guys gota wait slightly longer.
Hope you guys wont have too much trouble finding the place!
Friday, February 04, 2005
haha shall obey mingjie and answer this soooooper long questionaire despite mi drooping eyes an groanin muscles -mingjie can start feelin guilty now-
1. Full name: chen shiqi
2. What do you want in a relationship most?: trust, security, fun, an yep -mooarks- love
3. Fave Movie: moulin rouge..i love romantic musicals!
4. Fave Song: too many to name. =D
5. Fave Food: mm any kind of pasta wid loads of cheese
6. Fave Number: tWoo
7. Fave Colour: yellow an's nt bad too
8. Do you plan on having children: don't noe.seems quite painful..
9. Do you want to get married: yep
10. Do you have a b/f or g/f : don haf
11. Do you have a crush: yep
12. Guys/Girls: haa both dipolar.
13. Summer/Winter: summer definitely.i luv the sun an i freeze easily.
14. Night/Day: eightpm2NIGHT so yep..night
15. What's a major turn on for you?: cute smile! i'll melt de
16. How far would you go on a first date?: erm i wudn't noe.but not too far definiteli
17. Which people do you trust and are open with the most?: ppl who can be on de same wavelength as me an who understand wad im tokkin abt.ppl whom i noe won't BLAB or tell stories.BMB's definiteli not on e list =P
18. What do you think of soul mates?: terribly's such a lasting ting.
19. is it right to flirt if you have a bf/gf?: certainly NOT.but being possesive is not right either.
20. what was the last thing you cried over or got teary about?: co farewells! inflatusimpact rawks! actualli being SL gets me upset almost every week -grr-
21. what's something about guys/girls you don't get?: their fluctuating attitude.
22. Sunset or sunrise: sunset.v lang4 man4!
23. Where would you want to go on your honeymoon?: haven't thot so far yet la crazy.maybe antartica wud be opened up for economic developmt so im kpin mi options open
24. What's your favourite sport?: swimming! an racket games.oh canoeing oso la..
25. What makes you mad?: insensitive jerks
26. What makes you happy?: mi frens =) 05s72 oso!
27. What song seems to reflect you the most?: the voice within by christina aguilera
28. If you die tmr who wud u leave everything to?: family an frens who love me!
28. Do u have any enemies?: yesh >=(
29. What is your greatest fear?: fear lor.i fear mani tings but it all boils down to fear itself rt
30. Would you rather be rich or famous?: oh rich definiteli
31. What do u enjoy doing the most?: being with mi frens, chattin, havin fun, doing crazy stuff
32. What interests you?: music..drama..hrm..gossip? haa.
33. If you could go back and relive one moment in time, which one 'ld u pick?: syf i guess.the cheonging, the videotaping, de rushin abt, de panickin, de waiting with bated breath, de screamin, de crying, de sense of relief, de euphoria..haa i miss all of it
34. If you could turn back time, what 'ld u try to change?: ahh how i carried out mi sl duties
35. practical or sentimental stuff as presents?: sentimental =)
1. Full name: Teo Yi Sheng Aaron
2. What do you want in a relationship most?: Someone to listen... Someone I can relate to
3. Fave Movie: Hm... I think its... National Treasure ?
4. Fave Song: SHINE !
5. Fave Food: Hm... Basically anything not too spicy...
6. Fave Number: 0... cos it means nothing but yet also means everything.
7. Fave Colour: orange
8. Do you plan on having children: Duh... Of cos la.. We must do our part as Singapore citizens...
9. Do you want to get married: *look at myself* Well... Some poor girl has to sacrifice herself, I guess
10. Do you have a b/f or g/f : nahz.. Realised they can be a hassle sometimes. *looks at LBF*
11. Do you have a crush: Hm... Of cos la.. I was in mixed sch all this time... And I'm not gay duh
12. Guys/Girls: I dun understand what this means.. But generally I talk to girls more online and talk more to guys in person
13. Summer/Winter: Winter.. I LOVE the cold. I'm a snowman ! =)
14. Night/Day: Night. I am one with the night ! Muahhahaha...
15. What's a major turn on for you?: Hm.... I dunno... I just follow whatever my heart says..
16. How far would you go on a first date?: As far as the girl is willing to go ? HAHAHAHAHA... I dunno.. Same answer as 15 la..
17. Which people do you trust and are open with the most?: If I din trust you, you re not my friends. Friends are meant to be trusted and you should always be open to them ! That's what friendship is about !
18. What do you think of soul mates?: We need lots of them !
19. is it right to flirt if you have a bf/gf?: Hm... ask shiqi.. LOL.. I think its bad though...
20. what was the last thing you cried over or got teary about?: 3 years ago.. Vowed never to cry again...
21. what's something about guys/girls you don't get?: How girl's think
22. Sunset or sunrise: sun set... It means night is about to descend.. And I love the night...
23. Where would you want to go on your honeymoon?: Hm... Somewhere cold ?
24. What's your favourite sport?: Used to be swimming. Now its WU SHU ! o yeah !
25. What makes you mad?: hypocrites
26. What makes you happy?: knowing that i 've friends who'll always be there for me...
27. What song seems to reflect you the most?: Hm.... Shine ?!
28. If you die tmr who wud u leave everything to?: FFA to all my loved ones
28. Do u have any enemies?: Yes... A lot.
29. What is your greatest fear?: Loss of friends
30. Would you rather be rich or famous?: I'm already famous... So I'll take rich ! LOL
31. What do u enjoy doing the most?: singing to myself, blogging abt scandals, playing DoTA, practicising wu shu !
32. What interests you?: Everything ! I'm an extremely curious person.
33. If you could go back and relive one moment in time, which one 'ld u pick?: The day I whacked some yalams ? The day I utterly humiliated my nemesis ? The day I learnt to make things go boom ?
34. If you could turn back time, what 'ld u try to change?: Nothing. I never regret doing anything. Once its done, its done. It was always meant that way, so just move on ! If time could go backwards, I would choose this path again. Because this was my path.
35. practical or sentimental stuff as presents?: Why not gimme a practical yet sentimental present ?
1. Full name: Jeffrey Ong
2. What do you want in a relationship most?:
3. Fave Movie: SPiderMAn1 n 2
4. Fave Song:
5. Fave Food: i eat anything n everything..esp. mosquitoes
6. Fave Number: 1
7. Fave Colour: Red n Blue
8. Do you plan on having children: depends on the one i loved
9. Do you want to get married:haha.. i wan to go Saholin to learn Wushu but not be a monk
10. Do you have a b/f or g/f : dun wish to ans
11. Do you have a crush: no comments
12. Guys/Girls: haha.. sometimes i dun understand girls really.
13. Summer/Winter: i rather freeze to death.. den be burnt ot death
14. Night/Day: Day.. i got mild night-blindness..
15. What's a major turn on for you?: Speed
16. How far would you go on a first date?: forgot..
17. Which people do you trust and are open with the most?: there r too many betrayers on this Earth.. i dun trust a lot in even my best pal. i once got a best friend who betrayed me.. haha.. so be careful
18. What do you think of soul mates?: ppl who can work with u..
19. is it right to flirt if you have a bf/gf?: pls dun hav a gf den
20. what was the last thing you cried over or got teary about?: i hav trainned myself.. not even to cry over death.. i m serious abt being a MEDIC.. i mus be emotionally strong n heartless
21. what's something about guys/girls you don't get?: dun wish to ask here
22. Sunset or sunrise: sunrise.. the beginning of life
23. Where would you want to go on your honeymoon?:Swiss
24. What's your favourite sport?:wushu, soccer
25. What makes you mad?: i hav been used to n immuned to dangerous hurts
26. What makes you happy?: once i hav saved a man.. explains y i choose to be a Medic n not a war machine..
27. What song seems to reflect you the most?: I not stupid song
28. If you die tmr who wud u leave everything to?: the world
28. Do u have any enemies?: too many.. dun wish to talk more abt it
29. What is your greatest fear?: trying not to be sad over deaths..
30. Would you rather be rich or famous?:i choose to be a poor n happy man
31. What do u enjoy doing the most?: Music.. Organ .. wushu.. Medic
32. What interests you?: psychology n SAF n Medical Skills
33. If you could go back and relive one moment in time, which one 'ld u pick?: Medic.. n the 2 years of urm.. nvm.. dun wish to talk further
34. If you could turn back time, what 'ld u try to change?: I 'll not trust those 'gd friends' who betrayed me..
35. practical or sentimental stuff as presents?: SPiderman collectables.. =)
1. Full name: Emilia Tan
2. What do you want in a relationship most?: hmm... love, trust, sincerity. there must be open-ness between both parties. most imptly, the relationship must be comfortable.
3. Fave Movie: mulan!!
4. Fave Song: i listen to most songs.
5. Fave Food: most stuff are ok.
6. Fave Number: 5
7. Fave Colour: red
8. Do you plan on having children: yar... if i can get married, i am planning to get 2. if not, then i guess i will just adopt. little boys are very cute! haha.
9. Do you want to get married: if i can get married, it would be great, but if i can't, then too bad lor.
10. Do you have a b/f or g/f : nope. i am very guai. XP
11. Do you have a crush: i had crushes, but currently, no major ones.
12. Guys/Girls: hmm.. this qns is kinda vague. i definitely like to hang out with girls, possibly because of habit, but also because girls just have never ending topics to talk about. fun lah.
13. Summer/Winter: winter! i hate the sun!
14. Night/Day: both are ok. i like to sleep at night and i like to go out during the day. k, i am not answering the qns. nvm.
15. What's a major turn on for you?: lame stuff? or witty stuff.
16. How far would you go on a first date?: not too far i guess... depends on how much i like the guy.
17. Which people do you trust and are open with the most?: don't laugh.. but my mum? i prefer keeping some stuff to myself... everyone needs space of their own.
18. What do you think of soul mates?: hmm.. i think everyone has at least one lah, be it some religion or a diary. do i make sense?
19. is it right to flirt if you have a bf/gf?: hmm... flirting has many degrees. but i guess you shouldn't lah.
20. what was the last thing you cried over or got teary about? let me think... i remember crying really hard when my fren left for taiwan in sec 3...
21. what's something about guys/girls you don't get?: guys and sports.
22. Sunset or sunrise: sunset... i don't like waking up early... hehe.
23. Where would you want to go on your honeymoon?: i was thinking of switzerland.. hehe. i think it's quite a cool place.. nice weather, nice people, nice stuff.
24. What's your favourite sport?: i don't really like sports since i hate the sun and i have no ball sense. but i guess, i do enjoy playing badminton.
25. What makes you mad?: when pple around me are slow and totally don't get what i am talking about, especially when i am in a rush.
26. What makes you happy?: hmm.. lame jokes? can't get enough of them.
27. What song seems to reflect you the most?: i don't listen to lyrics... only listen to melodies.. hehe.
28. If you die tmr who wud u leave everything to?: my family.
29. Do u have any enemies?: i don't think i have any sore enemies, but i guess i don't like some pple.
29. What is your greatest fear?: my close ones leaving me.
30. Would you rather be rich or famous?: rich. who cares about being famous when you can enjoy life in style? haha.
31. What do u enjoy doing the most?: currently, sleeping and getting away from work.
32. What interests you?: hmm... slack but interesting stuff like chatting and hanging out.
33. If you could go back and relive one moment in time, which one 'ld u pick?: this is difficult... every moment is precious coz it would never return.
34. If you could turn back time, what 'ld u try to change?: i don't know... erm...tell myself not to be so irritable?
35. practical or sentimental stuff as presents?: it depends. on normal occasions, practical presents would be good, but if there is a special meaning to the event or present, i would go for sentimental.
haa. following min jie's orders. here goes.
1. Full name: lim phey wa
2. What do you want in a relationship most?: hm. love. its all that matters.
3. Fave Movie: shakespeare in love. [as of now]
4. Fave Song: hm. can't think of anything.
5. Fave Food: ditto.
6. Fave Number: 7.
7. Fave Colour: green. seriously. green.
8. Do you plan on having children: hm. see if i get married first. haa. but if i don't i'll probably adopt.
9. Do you want to get married: if i find someone i will. no point marrying someone for the sake of marriage.
10. Do you have a b/f or g/f : presently no.
11. Do you have a crush: hm. used to have crushes.
12. Guys/Girls: guys are for honest opinions. girls are somewhat more like comfort food. you normally look for 'em when you've had a shitty day.
13. Summer/Winter: summer. im scared of the cold.
14. Night/Day: night. most things happen at night. hm. time for self reflection and soul searching.
15. What's a major turn on for you?: hm. sensitivity and the ability to dream.
16. How far would you go on a first date?: haa. is it supposed to be my call?
17. Which people do you trust and are open with the most?: hm. my psch bestie and my council/eleveners.
18. What do you think of soul mates?: hard to find. but there's always someone out there. you never know. keep you heart open. they may just be right beside you. [haa. sounds so poetical.]
19. is it right to flirt if you have a bf/gf?: well. if your bf/gf flirts its just as good as a license to.
20. what was the last thing you cried over or got teary about?: losing faith in myself and my abilities.
21. what's something about guys/girls you don't get?: guys eat alot but it doesn't show! [WHY!?]
22. Sunset or sunrise: sunset. haa. always seems more romantic. hey, the night's always young.
23. Where would you want to go on your honeymoon?: paris. there's sth very sexy/appealing about being in paris. or greece.
24. What's your favourite sport?: oh well. im not v good in sports. i like to watch gym though. or diving. haa.
25. What makes you mad?: hypocripts.
26. What makes you happy?: knowing that there will always be people who care for me no matter how much shit im in.
27. What song seems to reflect you the most?: hm. it'd be kinda sad if you could be summed up by just one song.
28. If you die tmr who wud u leave everything to?: my family and best friends.
28. Do u have any enemies?: haa. define enemies.
29. What is your greatest fear?: slogging til the age of 62 and then finding out that i've been working for the wrong things. or alternatively, being forced to conform to society's notion of success. not being able to live for myself.
30. Would you rather be rich or famous?: rich. if you wanna be famous just go for s'pore idol auditions and strip. haa. look what it did for the stripper guy.
31. What do u enjoy doing the most?: chatting with my pals. listening to music. reading. self reflection.
32. What interests you?: people! haa. believe me people are complex.
33. If you could go back and relive one moment in time, which one 'ld u pick?: hm. when i met taufik. haa. shucks didnt take a photo with him. =[
34. If you could turn back time, what 'ld u try to change?: my stubborness. haa. gets in the way sometimes.
35. practical or sentimental stuff as presents?: definitely sentimental. which means i have loads of trouble clearing my room. haa. =]
hello... got a kind of questionaire below for everyone to fill in haha...
its gd to let ppl know u better yeah well the ans u give can always be used as references to start lots of stuff *hint hint*
haha... okay...
hope to see all ur ans asap haha =)
1. Full name: Pang Min Jie
2. What do you want in a relationship most?:
support, trust and LOVE! (duh)
3. Fave Movie: hm... die i can't think of one...
4. Fave Song:
5. Fave Food: how abt honeydew it tastes nice =P
6. Fave Number: definitely 2! and maybe 20
7. Fave Colour: green
8. Do you plan on having children: children? won't mind having 1/2/3 ard haha... they can be so cute sometimes
9. Do you want to get married: if i manage to find the correct person yeah of course
10. Do you have a b/f or g/f : haha nope... now i'm sad
11. Do you have a crush: had and maybe 've
12. Guys/Girls: rite now guys to confide certain stuff in and dating all that yeah... its gonna be girls
13. Summer/Winter: winter its cool... never like summer
14. Night/Day: night... its cool (again), quiet to let me ponder over some stuff and there's the stars
15. What's a major turn on for you?: smth really cute?
16. How far would you go on a first date?: i'm a really nice guy u know... nothing much 1st date 'll be normal, memorable but not scandalous
17. Which people do you trust and are open with the most?: hm... i can count with my fingers rite now... it takes quite abit before i fully open up to someone... haha so far only like 2 or 3 ppl 've been successful
18. What do you think of soul mates?: they 'll be ones to give u the joys in life
19. is it right to flirt if you have a bf/gf?: it sounds quite wrong
20. what was the last thing you cried over or got teary about?: can't really remember... maybe smth to do with disappointment with self/ stress in NP/class
21. what's something about guys/girls you don't get?: girls always 've energy to talk and gossip
22. Sunset or sunrise: sunset... its seems more beautiful to me
23. Where would you want to go on your honeymoon?: somewhere beautiful... maybe some countryside stree-free and all that... stroll in the plains blah blah... cool rite? =P
24. What's your favourite sport?: urm... how abt badminton
25. What makes you mad?: backstabbing/betrayal/cruel evil selfish acts
26. What makes you happy?: knowing that i 've friends who'll always be there for me...
27. What song seems to reflect you the most?:
28. If you die tmr who wud u leave everything to?: my family... and my best friends... they really deserve it
28. Do u have any enemies?: i suppose i've... being np chairman i cldn't really make alot of ppl happy cause there was always the big picture(aka unit's welfare) to think of
29. What is your greatest fear?: lonely and losing my friends
30. Would you rather be rich or famous?: rich
31. What do u enjoy doing the most?: listening to music, TRYING to play music, maybe singing, daydreaming
32. What interests you?: philosophy!!! (don't be shock) i think its really cool, music chinese pop mainly listening and trying to play music
33. If you could go back and relive one moment in time, which one 'ld u pick?: hm... there's the jay chou concert and maybe the sec1 initiation night for npcc... tough choice *shrugs*
34. If you could turn back time, what 'ld u try to change?: I 'll hold on to the friendship i once enjoyed before i lost them due to my own retard attitude/mindset
35. practical or sentimental stuff as presents?: sentimenal =)
i finally finished the questions... MUZ FILL IN OKAY!!!!!
Thursday, February 03, 2005
Sat-- FOr those not coming at 1, who wans to meet at CLementi interchange first at 5 pm?.. cos i dun really noe how to get near Kevin's house.. n urm.. who is planning to stay overnite at Kevin's house??