Hui Zhong] .
[Shiqi] .
[Jia Shee] .
[Hong Zhen]
[Jiang Yue] .
Zhou Hao]
Chaoqun] .
[Yifang] .
[Ling Yee]
[Jeffrey] .
[Min Jie]
[Anna] .
[Bernice] .
[Meiyi] .
[Dranice] .
[Kit Yeng]
[Wei Jin] .
[Daryl] .
[Dawei] /
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Friday, July 29, 2005
hey people =)
just to let u guys know that the taiwan girl im attached to will be joining me in hwachong on monday (1st Aug) all the way to 12 Aug ! she will be coming to a few of our lessons, and on the other days the school has special programmes lined up for them.
i was thinking, maybe we can have a class outing like to kbox or pool or bowling or something that i can bring her to? cz from 8 Aug to 10 Aug its the school holidays so i will have to bring her out. if she likes to sing i think kbox is cool! i will update the class more, cz i think it depends alot on her character yea?
have fun!!
love, yifang
Friday, July 15, 2005
Hi all S72ers taking economics.
As all of you know, there will be economics make-up lessons on the 20th and 27th of july (both are Wednesdays) from10.40am to 11.20am. The venue has been decided. On both days, we will have to migrate to A404 for lessons. I know it's inconvenient and dumb but the comp lab technicians only gave me the A block classrooms for booking. Booking has been done. Last but not least, please remember to bring economics stuff on both Wednesdays. Thanks.
Wednesday, July 13, 2005
the title says it all...
had a really gd day today...
thanx for making my bday so memorable =)
was quite touched by everything ur did...
thanx again...
i guess thats wat i really wanna say over and over again...
72 rocks!!!
Hi ppl,
It is me, SpiderMedic in action. Now i wan to save ppl on a large scale. N I wan to involve u guys in it. As most of u noe, I am from 1st Aid Club, aka RCHN (Red Cross Humanitarian). I believe I do not need to tell any story as to wad Red Cross do.. U all shld understand. Now I dun nid u guys to swing ard the sky with me or fight frontline with me.. Ppl, now.. Jus a small donation, mayb a cost of a lunch much cheaper den a CHicken Chop with maggots.. jus $2.. to buy a donation coupon tt can entitle u a chance to get $10 000.. The prize money is not imporTANT...Wad is important is the kind act.. It feels gd to do gd... Accumulate more gd deeds, ppl.. n next time u may get AAAA for promos ;P .. For ur convenience sake.. I will pass the coupon booklet ard the class to let u all write ur name, add, ... n u all tear off a coupon from there.. the money will b deducted from the class fund.. so u all need not pass me cash.. (tt's too troublesome)... of course.. u all may wan to do more gd n buy more coupons..but i fear tt u hav to pay the extra... ok... Now ppl.. i m not forcing u.. not forcing.. it is voluntary.. if any of u guys really dun wan.. jus come n find me n i will return u the $2 cash from the class fund.. n of course u dun get to get the coupon to ur $10 000 .. Ppl, I hav always wanted to help other more unfortunate ppl out there in this world n i hope u guys can give me this chance to do so ... n at the same time, accummulate good deeds for urself.
N I noe U Guys Do Also LovE AlL ManKinD
Bless U
Wednesday, July 06, 2005
Okae, according to Jeffrey and the EMB, the kinetics test is stated to be during a tutorial lesson during 18-22 july.
Thus this is in direct contrast to the info i have and wad other people have learned about too.
Hence, i am not really sure if there is going to be a kinetics test during the chem lecture this week.
Even though the IVLE states that the test will be during the 1st lecture period, but the EMB contradicts it by stating that it is during the tutorial session. However, the EMB message is more recent as it is stated as 1st July which is only a few days ago. Whereas the IVLE is quite outdated. Thanx to spidermedic for this info. So perhaps there has been a change of plans. I m not too sure. I tink we should trust spidermedic on this bah.
Okae so for those that have studied, u can stop studying now if you can trust the EMB. Dont come and blame mi tml when you have studied hard and there is no test. For those who haven started studying, good for you lol.
Thats all i got to say, sorry for all this confusion. Dun really noe wad is going on too, teacher oso nvr sae anyting about it.
K Good luck for school tml guys!
Tuesday, July 05, 2005
really sorry dear 72 ppl.i noe i've been a super sucky cip rep.yar well hope yu ppl elect a better one next yr.newae i reeli can't contact tt @$&^%@ guy so i can't get it underway yet.he like promised to help me arrange for the teach-kids-at-library ting but he disappeared la.
anyway mi rg fren recommendin sum cip ting.can kop some hours frm here.hope yu guys wud seriously consider this.it won't be a formal cip project but it can help yu get e needed hours.6 per year an im sure yu guys don't want to accumulate until next yr to complete rt.here r de details.do please consider an just go although it might not sound important.it reeli can get yu hours.
Hi everyone, anyway me and my juniors are on this citibank YMCA youth for causes project where we are raising funds and awareness for CARE (children -at - risk empowerment) and we need volunteers for our balloon gardens cum roadshows on sats and some sundays in the month of august.
Essentially, we need volunteers to help as set up the booth, for these volunteers they would get to learn balloon scrupturing. We have engaged the help of a professional balloon scrupture, hes super pro, and does like balloon deco for events such as the current IOC meeting in Singapore. Anyway the second type of volunters would be those who would help in selling the notebooks and balloons during the days of our events, which will be as follows
30th july parkway parade and marine cove
6th and 7th july plaza singapura
16th and 17th imm building
There will be 2 more weekends where we will be at suntac, citylink mall, tampines mall and orchard but its not comfirmed yet coz the management have yet to revert to us with regards to exact locations. Anyway prephaps we could do it as a class thing and go out for dinner afterthat.Anyway we aim to raise $50,000 for CARE, so it be great if you could ask your parents if they would like to support us in form of donations or corporate sponsorship as well.
yup interested ppl pls tell me! den i can contact mi fren who can help us arrange.thnks! an enjoy end of blks! i tink today's bio was utterly horrendous.did neone manage to do that horrible qn with the ddmtp or derno wad?
If u dun wan to spoil your post block test mood, you might skip this post and try not to be too shock when u learn about it when we get back to normal school.
Okae, so basically, i hear that there is a Chemistry Lecture Test on our next Chem Lecture either on thursday or friday. The topic tested is Reaction Kinetics. If you all wan to no life and chiong on after the BTs, be my guest. I m not trying to ruin your partying mood. It is just my obligation as a chem rep. So that u all dont blame mi for not letting u noe and u do badly in the test. This is for those who care. I m not really gonna study for it personally. Dunno about you guys.
Apparently, the teacher informed us before the BTs. But probably everyone forgotten about it. Even i did, but i was reminded. I m not really sure myself whether the test is on or not myself. Juz to let u noe that there MIGHT be one. Its not confirmed in the sense that i nvr hear about it at all until my fren told mi. So its up to you bah, if u trust my fren.
I Repeat: I am not spoiling your partying mood
Also, juz a plug for Daryl, there will be a class outing to Sentosa if i m not wrong tmr. All of you try to come. Hope i can make it.
Yes block tests are over. So sorry i have to do tis, but i m doing this purely out of obligation.