Sunday, October 30, 2005
found this really funny video. featuring some naidni. if you're really BORED (like me) GO WATCH :D
Sunday, October 23, 2005
I'm sorry for the very long delay with the answers. =P And thanks Anna for helping me to post =)
1. What is the most outrageous thing ever done?
Haha it's more dumb than outrageous but there was one time when I was on a bus with a few of my friends. They were talking about pole-dancing and naturally I didn't know what they were talking about. So one of them asked me to demonstrate pole-dancing and I took them LITERALLY. So I grabbed bus pole and did a little jig around it. ^_^
2. What do you want to be in the future?
I'll miss playing in an ensemble but yong siew toh is way above me. So right now I hope to be a dentist
3. What do grades mean to you?
They're not that important actually. I hope to do well and everything but if I don’t, then too bad I guess =P
4. Why do I always see you online so late at night? Haha
I'm a night owl! Even if I'm very tired during the day, once it hits about 10pm or so I'll come to life and then there's no way I can get to sleep. So I'd rather stay online haha. Anyway it's also nice being up alone at night because everything's so quiet. There's this dark mist that seems to cover all the buildings and trees outside and the feeling's quite peaceful actually.
5. Describe your ideal performance.
One without mistakes!! Haha it's rare for me to not screw up at least one passage during a performance so it feels good to be able to go backstage and not tell your section leader "I missed out one bar!" =P
It's also nice when the ensemble finishes off and the audience shouts 'ENCORE!' over and over again. And not because our friends were planted there before the start of the performance.
It's also my dream to perform one day in esplanade with a full orchestra and play a symphony. Although that's highly unlikely haha.
But my favourite part of a concert is actually the last hour before the performance itself. Because nobody remembers the actual performance itself. The last hour's when everyone gathers to have dinner and change before going backstage. Nobody really eats much and most of the time is just spent talking and talking. After that everything goes in a whiz and before you know it, concert's over!
Post-concert time is very memorable too. Everyone's grinning permanently (unless we did really badly) and nobody feels like going home or sleeping. And when we finally get chased home, everyone's online talking about the concert!
6. What’s your secrets to achieving good grades? =P
Haha I just look through my notes and make sure I understand what the words are saying. And of course, hope that what I don't know won't come out =P
7. What are your interests/hobbies?
I like reading. If I find a book I like I'll read it non-stop until I finish it. Ice-skating's fun too. Don't really go out often but when I do, it's usually for concerts or to meet up with my friends. Guess I'm quite a boring person =P
Hui Zhong
Tuesday, October 18, 2005
we've got economics holiday homework! (yes i hear u guys taking econs cheering) and there are also some announcements for next yr.
homework (5 DRQs due on T1W1 2006):
N97 pg 261 - Demand and supply and elasticity...
J93 pg 244 - Demand and supply and elasticity...
N95 pg 253 - Ed and privatisation
J99 pg 268 - Market Str.
J94 pg247 - Labour mkt
we've also got an exciting briefing coming up!
Advance placement programme by SMU offered by School of Economics and Social Science. It's this briefing in SMU about doing a university module in our year 2 in jc. If SMU wants you, you'll be guaranteed a place in SMU School of Econs and SS even before you take your A's. The briefing will tell you guys more. If alot of people wanna go, the school might hire a bus.
Date: 26 Oct (Wed)
Time: 3.30pm - 4.30pm
Venue: School of Econs and SS, Lvl 5, Network Seminar Room (NSR5.1)
Indicate your interest with me by Thursday, via sms or whatever way appropriate.
Finally, here's a reminder that answers for the promos have been uploaded to IVLE and the online Econs survey is ready too. EVERYONE MUST DO.
thats all and congrats to our class for having done reasonably well in promos! X)
Sunday, October 16, 2005
Since everybody participated so actively in the class poll, i shall try to keep up wif the eagerly awaited(???) answers to those questions. I will answer almost every question but i cant guarantee a direct answer ok. Some questions a bit personal for my liking so i wun divulge. Not here anyway. Plz appreciate my honest response. Dun laugh at some lol.
Juz for the record, here are the questions that were posted so u dun nid to waste time downloading them. Answering them in chronological order.
1.What other hobbies/interests do you have besides mapling?
2.What kept you entertained before maple?
3.What sports do u enjoy?
4.What do you think of the guys in class?
5.What is your purpose for acting ‘gay’? =P
6.What do you think of the class?
7.From Hui Zhong to Gavin: What was on his mind when he saw Hui Zhong aim the wrong side of the lighter (yes the barrel) at herself during chem SPA?
8.What do you want to be in the future?
9.Which girl you like in class?
10.Who is your secret crush? Yes, Past and Present.
11.Have you liked any other girls other then -Censored-? Spelt wrong anyway
12.Do you sing to yourself at home? Toilet?
13 Describe your dream performace? The genre, fans, venue, time, year, guest artistes etc.
1. Erm quite a few actually. TV, reading, watching and playing soccer, chapteh and most recently Icy Tower!
2. Easy question. Gunbound.
3. Swimming! Even though I dun do it often. Soccer, chapteh, frisbees okae, floorball and of cuz cyber sports =)
4. To be realistic, I would sae that I get along well wif most of them. Some of them it could be a tad patchy bcuz of past misunderstandings or friction. Its partially my fault and I have changed my attitude. All I ask is for them to understand. The doors always open on my side. I treat them all nicely and sincerely. For the rest its been good bah.
5. No purpose. Juz for fun. If anybody is in any way amused, entertained or plain disgusted, I m flattered.
6. Well I tink its great that our class is so competitive and we try our best to be the best in every competition that we take part in or studies. We also have a good mix of comedians, aspiring chemists, bimbos, save-the-world heros, tai-tais, wushu exponents, sport stars, gamers, zhai people, hot babes(lol), muggers(oops), hunks and chunks.
7. I was laughing out loud. No really, It was quite comical cuz I witnessed the whole thing but I was tinking like anyone else would if u were okae cuz I sorta saw the fire shot out =X Careful next time
8. It changes from time to time but currently its business? I sorta got the passion for it and for other reasons
9. Restricted zone lol. I myself m confused about it. I dunno my heart. But all I can sae is that I do get insanely jealous sometimes if u get wad I mean over her antics. But I tink its juz “hao gan” no feeling.
10. If I said it then it wouldn’t be a secret rite haha? It would be too embarrassing to write it here lol, cuz only like the whole class and the school might chance about tis place. Past is obvious. Present all I can sae is a fren of a classmate. But I reiterate its juz “hao gan” Like? I would sae not.
11. Tough question again. Would be lying if i said no. Perhaps now also have lol.
12. I m sure everybody does and I m not going to be the exception =) Wadeva’s catchy, I sing.
13. My dream performance? Woo it would be a rap mega concert. Where I can do my thang and breakdance as well lol. There would be my hardcore fans who noe my street persona Carbon black. Eminem is my rap idol so it would be darn cool for him to be guest star. Carbon black vs Em. Are u feeling it yet? Yea man. Rapz always been mah thang. Year? 3000 =)
Saturday, October 15, 2005
it's finally up.take a look fer yourself.really close fight i must say.haha
Poll Results
Qns for Gav
Qns for Huizhong
*Extra - article read-up (courtesy of Zhou hao) haha.must read~!!
Class Poll 2 - 15/10/05
Section A
Who is likely to get married first? =)
Why do u pick tt person?
Section B
Things you always wanted to know about :
Closing Date : 19/10/05 (Wed) [ 2359hr ]
Vote Vote Vote~!!!
-Hide aka kok
Thursday, October 13, 2005
hey pple! i am kinda bored at home right now. so i am doing some quizzes that i found at my fren's blog. well, assuming that everyone's equally bored, i decided to post them at the class blog. haha. and perhaps you pple would like to post your results somewhere also, so that we can all have a look at them. haha. have fun doing the quizzes!
Your Hidden Talent |
 You are a great communicator. You have a real way with words. You're never at a loss to explain what you mean or how you feel. People find it easy to empathize with you, no matter what your situation. When you're up, you make everyone happy. But when you're down, everyone suffers. |
Your Career Type: Social |
 You are helpful, friendly, and trustworthy. Your talents lie in teaching, nursing, giving information, and solving social problems.
You would make an excellent:
Counselor - Dental Hygienist - Librarian Nurse - Parole Officer - Personal Trainer Physical Therapist - Social Worker - Teacher
The worst career options for your are realistic careers, like truck driver or farmer. |
Your French Name is: |
 Capucine Vanier |
How You Are In Love |
 You take a while to fall in love with someone. Trust takes time.
You give completely and unconditionally in relationships.
You tend to get very attached when you're with someone. You want to see your love all the time.
You love your partner unconditionally and don't try to make them change.
You stay in love for a long time, even if you aren't loved back. When you fall, you fall hard. |
Your Blogging Type Is Thoughtful and Considerate |
 You're a well liked, though underrated, blogger. You have a heart of gold, and are likely to blog for a cause. You're a peaceful blogger - no drama for you! A good listener and friend, you tend to leave thoughtful comments for others. |
Your Power Color Is Teal |
 At Your Highest:
You feel accomplished and optimistic about the future.
At Your Lowest:
You feel in a slump and lack creativity.
In Love:
You tend to be many people's ideal partner.
How You're Attractive:
You make people feel confident and accepted.
Your Eternal Question:
"What Impression Am I Giving?" |
Your Personality Is |
Rational (NT)
You are both logical and creative. You are full of ideas. You are so rational that you analyze everything. This drives people a little crazy!
Intelligence is important to you. You always like to be around smart people. In fact, you're often a little short with people who don't impress you mentally.
You seem distant to some - but it's usually because you're deep in thought. Those who understand you best are fellow Rationals.
In love, you tend to approach things with logic. You seek a compatible mate - who is also very intelligent.
At work, you tend to gravitate toward idea building careers - like programming, medicine, or academia.
With others, you are very honest and direct. People often can't take your criticism well.
As far as your looks go, you're coasting on what you were born with. You think fashion is silly.
On weekends, you spend most of your time thinking, experimenting with new ideas, or learning new things. |
You Are 40% Boyish and 60% Girlish |
You are pretty evenly split down the middle - a total eunuch. Okay, kidding about the eunuch part. But you do get along with both sexes. You reject traditional gender roles. However, you don't actively fight them. You're just you. You don't try to be what people expect you to be. |
Your Brain's Pattern |
 Your mind is an incubator for good ideas, it just takes a while for them to develop. But when you think of something, watch out! Your thoughts tend to be huge, and they come on quickly - like an explosion. You tend to be quiet around others, unless you're inspired by your next big idea. |
there isn't anyone online now. everyone went to PS. regretting a little to ..................... but nvm. had to do sth else. haha. btw, the results of the quizzes aren't exactly very accurate(for me at least), but you guys can just try and occupy yourselves. tata~
Monday, October 10, 2005
anyone up for class chalet ? is the fac outing cum stayover counted ?
Hi again everyone.
Contrary to what you might hope, the class bbq was not free.
Everyone has to pay exactly $7.50. Quite cheap la right?
Right. So please pay soon!
Friday, October 07, 2005
sorry for the late post... anywae, here are the class bbq details at my place tmr.
Date: 8th October 2005!
Venue: Kevin's House!
Address: 16 Greenleaf Place
Time: 2pm onwards
Meeting Place: Last Stop along 6th Avenue (from Bukit Timah Road) OR Jelita Cold Storage
Number to call: 98247882 (Kevin)
Buses Available:
Along 6th Avenue - 77, 970, 156
Jelita - 7, 75, 61, 156, 165
Any problem just call me!
Useful Website:
hey's smth to liven up the class blog.our annual post-exam class poll / questionaire~!!'s how it goes.for every 5 days liddat.the poll / questionaire be spilt up into 2 parts.the poll and questionaire.bah.the poll qns will be changed every time.den everyone can vote fer who u tink shud top the poll by sending their votes to mi.the questionaire will be "Things u always wanted to noe abt blah blah" haha.will go down the index number.the person questioned need nort haf to answer the question.of cos truthful answers will be much appreciated la.u can also send the question/s to mi oso.the people can send their answers to mi as well,but the end of the next poll hopefully,den i can post ur answers on the subsequent poll's's my freaking cool mail addie =)
i shall be the moderator.i promise to be completely transparent are some reasons why i choose to moderate this whole thing.1st keep away anything explicit or offensive la.haha.den it makes keeps the suspense oso.haha.if u guys tink this shud be open,den feel free to let mi noe la.
kk.den after closing date.i whud complie the results asap and reveal the top 3 winners for the poll, with their percentage of the votes la.haha.i whud upload everyone's votes/comments, questions and answers on a file,den u guys can dl it and read it fer urselves.hopefully on the every next day the same time, u can check if i miss out on anyone's votes la.i will be completely transparent and shall onli act as the middleman fer the poll.yep yep.
some ground rules.
1. u may onli vote fer people from 05S72.72 rox~!! nike loves us.
2. onli ppl from class can vote.
3. anonymous voters shall nort be accepted.
4. pls construst ur comments/questions in a most tasteful manner.explicit and offensive comments will nort be tolerated.
5. strictly one vote per person.although u may wanna comment on who else u wanted to vote for and why.but at the end of the day.u may onli vote fer one person.
6. u may vote for urself.haha.if u want to.
7. u may change votes.but onli one vote per person.i guess u get the msg.haha.
8. u may ask tonnes of questions la.
8. the poll/questionaire is purely fer fun la.if anyone feels offended by the poll,pls let mi noe,i whud take the necessary actions ---> disclaimer.i dun wanna cause any conflicts/misunderstandings/grudges here.
*pls feel free to post ur comments to mi
*i need u guys to help mi suggest questions fer the subsequent keep those questions coming in as well
*rmb tt this will onli be fun if everyone takes tt's 26 votes i'm expecting every poll kk? :P
kk.enuf tokking.let's get down to business.
Poll 1 - 08/10/05
Section A
Who do you will make it to the headlines of The Straits Times in 10 years' time?
What would the headline read?
Section B
Things you always wanted to know about :
-Hui Zhong
Closing Date : 12/10/05 [ 2359hr ]
Vote Vote Vote~!!!
haha.haf fun ppl =)
After a long wait... MAF pics are finally up!! take a look at some samples below!!

See it shinning against the erm... "starry night sky"!!!
(ignore the lighter- and candle- like erm... constellations in the pic -> main focus is the fireball)
Banners for our MAF superstars!!!
"You Ta Men Jui You Maf"
(Got Them Got Maf)

Lion Fang making herself heard despite being little... oops

Talented musician and artist AnGie!!!
(responsible for the jade rabbit on the banner for Chang E)
Shiqi was hidden at the other side so cldn't get her in the pic...

You 've 5s to find Rachel...
She is the one with all the bells in that watever tribe's tribal costume...

Oh no! Our holy Aaron being assualted!
wat would we do without his holy views!!
it looks kinda wrong somehow nvm shan't comment =)

Highlight of the nite!!!
Chang E princess and hot pink scarf!!
Looks like revival of KFC is in sight...
finally we 've "a" fireball in the sky...
credit goes to a certain big-tailed Wu for the nice display haha...
don't bother looking for his tail... it got burnt off in the process so its not there anymore =(
rite... that's it for now...
For the rest of the pics pls refer to