Hui Zhong] .
[Shiqi] .
[Jia Shee] .
[Hong Zhen]
[Jiang Yue] .
Zhou Hao]
Chaoqun] .
[Yifang] .
[Ling Yee]
[Jeffrey] .
[Min Jie]
[Anna] .
[Bernice] .
[Meiyi] .
[Dranice] .
[Kit Yeng]
[Wei Jin] .
[Daryl] .
[Dawei] /
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Friday, May 26, 2006
as promised, here's the reminder for 害你在心口难开( yay! i finally managed to rmb the name)
we'll probably be playing it on wed coz most pple will be ard and be warned everyone, or rather, be SUSPICIOUS of each other coz we've alr set the words and everyone's gg to get it =D
things to bring:
1) cap (for us to stick the words on. otherwise we will stick it on ur forehead with masking tape =S)
2)dark shirt (girls!! but for our cls guys, better wear dark shirts also)
3)towel (impt!!)
and rmb to watch tmr's episode of 十字路口(ch U, 730pm) to understand what the game is abt and maybe get some inspiration on how to prank ur 'brethrens'. mwahahaha.
chalet comm =)
Tuesday, May 23, 2006
LOL! finally after so long, someone posted on the cls blog. so to celebrate it, i shall sacrifice my sleep and post a reply to bean's entry. it's kinda true how our blog is rotting so badly that it would probably take ages for someone to realise it's still running =(
anyway, i almost forgot abt the sushi voucher! yupzzzzzz let's go eat sushi! maybe we can eat during the chalet? does sakae have delivery service? hehe. or u guys can walk out to buy sushi la, oh wait. better not. the sushi will be in peril.
n yupzzzzzzzzzzz i want to watch movies movies moviesssssssss =D there are so many nice nice nice movies coming out. like DA VINCI CODE, it was not bad la, just that we had to sit on the FIRST ROW. and X MEN III is a MUST MUST watch movie! i think all the J2 chem students are really anticipating the show, esp after the lecturer showed us the trailer. so are we gg to watch together or not?? coz if not, then i will go and find some other kakis alr..
btw, we've set up a chalet comm. or rather, it's just for ONE game la. but nevertheless, it's gg to be super cool. mwahahahaha.
Sunday, May 21, 2006
i think i woke up from the wrong side of the bed today... either that or i ate smth really bad for dinner and cldn't get it out of my system...
i'm actually posting at the class blog!!
hahaha so cool rite =)
(but i seriously wonder how many ppl 'll know abt the entry or maybe it 'll only be discovered like 10 yrs down the road haha)
suddenly i don't know wat to type haha...
strange how we can type so much on our own blogs then come here and 've nth to blog...
see lah it juz goes to show how boring life is rite now...
nth exciting to blg abt!!!
we need some excitement!!!
but the only excitement to look forward seems to be the chalet... which is like 1 wk away!!! sooooo long lah!!!!
muz get through this last wk first... and not to mention the dreaded #2 that's coming rite up in 1 month's time...
ooops maybe i shldn't mention that since its too exciting for MOST of us... watever that means haha...
anyway for ur info in case u 've a brain concussion or 've forgotten or 've never ever known abt such a thing called the MERLION MAN or MEN during celebration of a certain nation's bday in a certain sch, where a certain class took part and sent certain ppl to participate in a certain fashion parade and won a certain prize (worth a certain value at a certain sushi restaurant with a certain expiry date of 9 july)...
aha... there u go...
exciting rite?! (say yes or else i 'll pretend such a thing never existed)
rite... so we muz eat some sushi during the june hols! =)
so which day 'll ur want to go eat?
btw pls don't ask me how the money is gonna be distributed cause i 've no idea how... (maybe it wld be better if i juz eat it up so there's no need to trouble over it)
so if u somehow manage to see this post then pls either tag or blog ur response =)
there r tons of movies to watch!
okay actually i can only think of 2 haha...
X-Men III! Over The Hedge! and watever else ur wanna add on!
i feel like ponning sch and going out to play nxt wk haha...
from an economics point of view its better to go out during wkdays wat...
its statisically justified by the price of goods & sevices on wkdays as compared to wkends!
therefore sch actually be held during wkends and not wkdays instead! =)
now thats smth to ponder over abt... although i can think of a counter-argument for it already haha...
okay i think i typed enough for 1 post...
bye bye
Friday, May 05, 2006
hi pple,
if u din receive THREE sets of math solutions from me today, rmb to come find me on mon.
1)complex number challenging qns sln
2)numerical methods 2 sln
3)probability 2 sln
ur super cool math rep =D